Paid to review $1
I have been a member of this new for just one week but they are legit, i have read several reviews about them and they are really legit, they pay you $1 for every 120 words you make, the minimum payout is $5 and its very easy to get the minimum payout, just think of a product,movie or etc and search it on the site and then make a review wait for 24 hours because the site system will update your earnings every 24 hours and after that you will see your earnings. You will also be paid by getting reads and ratings from other members, so you will earn more than $1 per review. The site pays every month.
Example. you earn $100 in the month of august and request for a payout in the mid of september around 12-14th you will be paid by them. Review: as of now i earn $24 from them for just 2 days and i was not so active. If you refer your friend to join them and under you referrals you will get $1 and you will also earn %50 of there earnings.
Join now - Click this link to register
after registering check your email for the activation link
For more info read here
- How can I earn money by writing product reviews?
Reviews of some products will be awarded a small cash payment every time a member rates them "helpful", "very helpful" or "exceptional". To take advantage of this, write high-quality reviews about these products to ensure that you receive numerous positive ratings by other members. - How are earnings for member ratings calculated?
Your earnings for ratings of your reviews by other members are calculated by multiplying the number of ratings per review by the remuneration rate for each of the reviews written. These totals are then added up and your overall earnings calculated once a month. - What are the different rates of remuneration being offered?
1 cent per rating, 2 cents per rating or 3 cents per rating. For some reviews, you will not be paid anything for ratings. The different rates of remuneration are indicated by dollar signs which appear next to the name of the product on the product overview page when you have logged in. These symbols are not visible from any of the other product information tabs. The different payment levels are as follows: no dollar sign is shown for non-remunerated products, one dollar sign indicates 1 cent per rating, two dollar signs 2 cents and three dollar signs 3 cents.
Earnings update:
now i earn more than $50 from my referrals and i email the admin of the site coz i want them to check my account and they said my account was fine and anytime i can request for a payout so that i will be paid this coming october 12
so join now guys

send invite thank you
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